Sunday, February 24, 2013

Prepare yourself

Prepare yourself
Before entering this world you must answer some question to yourself.

First we hope you already read YOUR DICTIONARY
Take paper and pencil or open word\notepad to write your answer
How much time I can spend daily to this world?
Will I invest in this world or not?
Can I enter everyday at constant time because server time problem may make a feature issue to me?
How much concentration I will use in this world?
Will this become my part\full job?
How long it will take before getting cash?
Will I fellow my own way or emit other strategy?
And the most critical one will I get scam?
Ok let begin with the explain of those question:
Why I must answer this entire nonsense questions?
Simple to begin your way to make your choice about the type of jobs you may take and we mentioned them in our dictionary.
How much time I can spend daily to this world?
Some sites require daily activity like PTC sites you must click your fixed advertisements to receive the earnings of your referrals.

Will I invest in this world or not?
Investments will be required sooner or later to increase your profit, so if you want to invest we preferred that you invest with the minimum standard to gain information and knowledge about the ways of the investment in the company on the other hand if you don't want to invest in the beginning and we suggest that way to all beginners to let them experience and read more about the company they choose.

Can I enter everyday at constant time because server time problem may make a feature issue to me?
Here is a real problem because with every time the clock reaches its server time everything reset to begin another day for the site to work in ,so you will need to know when the server reset each day to not enter after it because this will be anew day and you will lost day without activity .

How much concentration I will use in this world?
This depends on your choice for example mini tasks require some concentration while forex require a hell amount of concentration because every action could make you win or lose all you have.

Will this become my part\full job?
If it become part job ,so you need to study and tries with smaller earnings site like PTC site and evolve with time and those will take a few months from 1-18 that's depend on you
If it become full job and that's what we afraid about especially for beginners because they will rush for high investment sites not knowing about the high risks it have like forex.

How long it will take before getting cash?
That's also depend on you if you invested then this will take about month in the other hand will take from 1-6 for beginners but the profit will be different.

 Will I fellow my own way or emit other strategy?
If you fellow other then we are sorry to let you know that's no one can give accurate strategy to your condition every human has his own standards, roles, habits and way of thinking especially the last one ,so you can take the one you like then modify it to make it your own for your condition.
If you fellow your own mind ,so you first need to read about other strategy then read about success stories then forget what you see them all and make your own strategy.

will I get scam?
There is actually one answer in that I preferred to called it quote
" To Be Scammed Once Shame on Them. To be scammed again Shame on Me. use your Intelligence . If it looks like a scam, If it smells like a scam and it barks like a scam Chances are its a scam "
Will make an entire article to about avoid scamming and how we trust and test sites.

In the end we would like to see your comment to improve our services.

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